Order Picking Using A Warehouse Management System

Enhancing Your Order Picking Using A Warehouse Management System

There are many inherent benefits Using an Order Picking System in a Supply Chain Warehouse Operation.

1. The Success of A Warehouse Operation Is Greatly Enhanced Using a Well Established Order Picking Program

  • Order Picking in most instances is the highest cost and most intensive labor process in a warehouse operation and generally contributes to more than 50% of the costs in a warehouse operation.
  • To avoid the high costs of order picking many warehouses have adopted a Warehouse Management System (WMS) like CoreWarehouse. By implementing a WMS, order picking will be transformed as a competitive advantage rather than a drain on operational costs.

Excellent Order Picking plans are not only related to speed, but they will also provide productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction on the part of your customers. A strong and efficient WMS will provide all these inherent benefits.

2.There are Many Challenges with Traditional Order Picking Systems

  • Paper based systems are often not efficient. Using and depending on processes that are manual will often lead to increased errors and slower pick times.
  • There are higher error rates with traditional order picking that often result in customer returns of merchandise and goods, customers that are not satisfied, and trust lost on the part of customers.
  • With traditional order picking managing overall labor costs are incredibly challenging.

The challenges noted above are a serious commentary on the importance of having a up-to-date order picking system. The CoreWarehouse 3PL WMS provides a warehouse with a WMS system that will allow for efficient order picking thought the supply chain operation.

3.The WMS Provided by Core Will Increase the Efficiency of Your Order Picking Operation

  • The salient features provided by CoreWarehouse 3PL WMS meets the many challenges and issues with traditional order picking processes including:
  • Optimization of the Pick and Pack Process – Pick/Pack routes are enhanced which lessens the time required between picking.
  • Pick Packs can be customized reflecting the layout of the warehouse and the priority of orders.

Using a Warehouse Management Software (WMS) system such as the CoreWarehouse software will reduce picking time by identifying the most efficient and productive routes which will allow pickers to not waste valuable time crisscrossing the warehouse.

  • Inventory Visibility in Real-Time-If you want to be sure your warehouses pickers are going to the correct warehouse locations with up-do-date and stock information that is accurate, an Order Picking process will accomplish both of these objectives.
  • The Order Picking process will also minimize errors and reduce the issue of items missed as part of the picking operation.
  • The CoreWarehouse WMS provides many options for various picking strategies including and not limited to:
    • Picking by Zone – assign pickers to specific zones, reducing travel time and increasing picker specialization.
    • Picking in Waves – sort waves of orders by order profile (number of lines, number of picks, carrier, etc.), enhancing efficiency.
    • Picking in Batches – Pick a batch of orders via a cart or pick an entire batch of orders at once and pack/sort at a separate station.

Utilizing these different strategies will maximize your warehouse efficiency based on the volume of orders and the setup of your warehouse.

By using the CoreWarehouse WMS you will see a major reduction in pick times and costs of your labor in your warehouse when implementing one of these 3 picking strategies.

4. Hands Free Picking by Utilizing a Mobile Device.

  • There are many advantages using mobile devices and scanners with barcodes as part of a Warehouse Management Software system.
  • Errors are reduced, accuracy is enhanced and real-time updates are maximized using a mobile device as part of the picking process.
  • CoreWarehouse’s mobile interface allows users to view complete, real-time inventory from any device on the warehouse floor, facilitating real-time updates and seamless communication.

5. Reductions of Errors and Validation Using Barcode Scanning

  • A WMS will lessen errors by requiring scanned validation of barcodes during the picking process.
  • Automatic flagging of improper picks can reduce an often-occurring error, flag employee issues, and trigger automatic cycle counts. This contributes to accuracy throughout all warehouse processes.

Surveys have found within the supply chain industry that warehouses utilizing barcode validation processes provide an over 65 % reduction in errors that relate to picking.

6. Features That Are Part of the CoreWarehouse WMS That Provide Supply Chain Personnel With Controls

  • CoreWarehouse can dynamically adjust the slotting of products based on order patterns and customer demands. This helps to lessen pick times through the placement of high frequency items in locations that are more readily accessible and more frequently picked together.
  • There are many tools that are available to monitor labor management. The Core Warehouse Management System (WMS) can monitor and track productivity of your picking processes and provide insights that can be utilized to maximize the allocation of your workforce.
  • 7. The Value and ROI Utilizing a Warehouse Management Software System for Picking Orders

    • Using a WMS provides much value and a wide array of intangible and tangible benefits for Picking of Orders including:
      • Picking time that is reduced.
      • Enhancement of the accuracy of orders picked by warehouse personnel
      • Reduction of labor costs.
      • Enhanced satisfaction on the part of your customers.

    A recent survey indicated there was a substantial increase in the accuracy of orders picked through the first 4 months of using a WMS which then resulted in increased retention of customers.

    8. Best Practices For Order Picking As Part of A Warehouse Management Software System

    • It is important to convey to your warehouse staff how they can initiate a WMS to improve upon their order picking process. Here are three (3) best practices to consider:
      • Begin with a warehouse audit to identify areas for improvement.
      • Ensure your warehouse team is sufficiently trained in order picking as part of your WMS.
      • Keep on measuring and improving your operations by using KPIs available in your WMS such as pick time, accuracy rate, cost per pick, and order-to-ship times.


    An enhanced Order Picking process which includes a powerful Warehouse Management System like CoreWarehouse can greatly enhance your warehouse efficiency, lower costs and build customer satisfaction.