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2019 3PL Warehouse Management Software Trends & Developments

Mammoth Growth of eCommerce

Amazon and other giant eCommerce providers have greatly impacted the way online shopping is practiced today. Customers are expecting more options, quicker delivery and enhanced timely and accurate fulfillment of their requested products and services. Retailers and other businesses are continuing to upgrade their warehouse operations, quicken delivery times and maintain competitive costs.

In 2019 the trend has been evolving in fulfillment where “same day delivery” becomes essential vs. “nice to have”

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Are Gaining Popularity

According to a study by Allied Research the demand and use of robotics is expected to increase at a 12 percent annual growth rate from 2019 to 2023. Of course this raises questions regarding the role of workers in a warehouse operation. It becomes critical that warehouse owners and warehouse workers grow more comfortable with new and advanced warehouse programs.

The Data Revolution

Warehouse personnel are continuing to have to review large stacks of data emanating from their customers. In this regard it is critical that they have a fully functional and advanced 3PL WMS software that can easily breakdown and analyze data. Greater visibility into 3PL warehouse and inventory processes will maximize inventory and fulfillment operations, avert out of stock situations and contribute to the company’s bottom line.

The efficient use of data also enables companies to make better inventory management decisions A 3PL Warehouse Management Software can help facilitate this process and help to more easily understand your customers data.

Mobile Devices in the Warehouse

With the growth of Smartphones it is now becoming more prevalent to use mobile devices to track warehouse inventory. No longer are the more expensive RF Scanners needed to monitor warehouse processes.

Core Warehouse software includes the CoreMobile function that is linked to all smartphone and tablet devices and is being used by 3PL’s to track their warehouse inventory

Core eBusiness Solutions is located in Fairfield, NJ and can be contacted at (201) 836-8900

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